Monday, February 6, 2012
Attended MODEX Night Out at the Georgia Aquarium. We had an amazing time, got to meet a lot of wonderful people, see some astounding exhibits, and eat some spectacular food!
Tuesday, February 7th
We were able to tour the show room floor, visit with and educate the vendors on who we were and why we were there. It was awesome to hear the response when everyone found out that we now teach Logistics in High School, almost everyone followed this comment with "I wish they would have taught Logistics when I was in high school".
Also on this day the girls were put to work and given their job assignments for Wednesday, Class Room Day. They assembled bags with the students from the 4 other schools and put the logistical knowledge to the test. Jessie even explained what JIT means on the bus ride back to the hotel that evening!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Classroom Day
CHS and 4 other schools presneted to a room of educators, administrators, and community members of the GA area. Walgreens also had two speakers that talked about their diversity program, and WOW, that was amazing! The ladies had a wonderful time hearing about the different programs! But before the educating began the young ladies had a job to do! Jessie was a human directional that helped guide everyone to the correct classroom, and Hollianne's job was to scan badges and check everyone in before the learning began.
Wednesday evening Mr. Howie took the educational day presenters out for dinner at Hard Rock Cafe. We had a wonderful conversation at dinner and the biggest hamburgers you have ever seen! Thank you Allan for dinner and the wonderful memories that we made while eating dinner with you!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
This was our last day at MODEX, we spent our time visitng the showroom floor for one last time and collecting some last minute items from vendors to bring back and use in our warehouse.
THANK YOU MHIA for making this trip possible, we had a fabulous time!!
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