Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Building

Construction began this summer on our new building and everyone in Global Logistics is excited to watch it come together.  We thought we should share the progression with you and hope you enjoy seeing the photos!   The projected completion date is set for November 28, 2011.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome back to the 2011-2012 school year!

Global Logistics as CHS started off with a BOOM! 
The students are excited and ready for the challenges of 2011-2012.  We have 3 classes of 1st year students that are taking Global Logistics and Supply Chain management as well as 2 classes of 2nd year students that are taking Introduction to Information Technology Applications.  Between the two classes we have a total of 96 students enrolled this year!

The students have learned the basics of the SUMS kits and we have successfully labeled, staged, and delivered 165 kits to our local Elementary Schools.  The students have also received and inventoried a pallet shipment of children's books from First Book. 

The students are excited about the awesome real world projects that they get to participate in and we look forward to a wonderful year at CHS!